Watch pokemon the first movie pikachu short free
Watch pokemon the first movie pikachu short free


In fact, he and the other Pokémon play a much greater role in the action than Ash and his friends, who stand by and watch during most of the climactic battle.

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The Pokémon defenders are led by Feraligatr, a muscular bipedal alligator-like Water-type Pokémon, who bravely leads the resistance. However, the reliance on multiple Pokémon from Pokémon Hills to enter the fray and take on the Genesect offers a fresh angle and makes for quite a stirring plot development.

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While the conflict between MewTwo and Genesect is a compelling one, the power station is not the most interesting backdrop for it. Those scenes are quite spectacular, but they’re way too short. I would like to have seen more battle action in the streets and above the skyline of Manhattan. Only when MewTwo is able to take Red Genesect out into space to show him the planet from above and convince him he’s been home all the time and that the place has changed drastically in the millions of years since he’s been extinct is any kind of resolution possible. It is here where the Pokémon from Pokémon Hills decide to take a stand and strike back at the Genesect who have disrupted their tranquil home. Eventually the battle continues underground in the substation, where most of the climactic action takes place. In the course of it, MewTwo engages in battle with Red Genesect in the skies over Manhattan, with lots of slamming into buildings. The Genesect go underground to establish a nest in a transformer substation below the park, leaving the beleaguered Eric, the engineer in charge of Pokémon Hills, working all by himself to try and keep the city from going dark. The littlest Genesect is able to articulate a simple message, “I want to go home,” in a child’s voice, thus establishing contact with Ash and company and earning their sympathy, but Red Genesect then orders him to attack his new pals.


The series protagonist, Ash Ketchum, and his friends, Iris and Cilan, just happen to be visiting Pokémon Hills when the Genesect arrive and they wind up getting embroiled in the conflict. The Genesect wind up in Central Park, where the sprawling attraction, Pokémon Hills, has just been established to create a Pokémon sanctuary in the middle of the city, and MewTwo, in close pursuit, arrives not long afterwards. The subsequent flight of the Genesect takes them to Manhattan, which offers a high-rise skyline that closely resembles the rocky landscape that the Genesect once called home-300 million years ago! MewTwo feels some sympathy for the Genesect because he, too, was created in a lab by unscrupulous scientists, but his entreaties are rejected by Red Genesect, the gruff-voiced Genesect leader and most powerful of the four.


(Wikipedia identifies Team Plasma, antagonists from the TV series, as the creators of the Genesect, but I saw no sign of them in the film itself.) When the Genesect lash out at other Pokémon, they are stopped by MewTwo, the super-powered cat Pokémon first introduced way back in 1999 in Pokémon: The First Movie, and a self-proclaimed champion of all defenseless Pokémon.

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Reborn in a lab and made to resemble robotic creatures with powerful weapons built into their bodies, the five creatures are at large as the film opens, having apparently escaped the shadowy figures who recreated them, and are desperate to find something they know. The plot has to do with the resurrection of five ancient Pokémon, the Genesect, from their fossilized remains and their disorientation in the modern world.

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(They did, however, preview the first two episodes of Pokémon the Series XY.) Unfortunately, the short wasn’t shown with the film on Cartoon Network. I’m assuming that running time includes the 22-minute Pikachu short, Pikachu and Evee Friends, that played with the movie in Japan. The icing on the cake is the urban setting chosen for this adventure-New York City, this reviewer’s hometown! CN ran the film in a 90-minute time slot even though the film is listed on Wikipedia as being 96 minutes. the Sword of Justice, thanks to a more engaging plot, a stronger emotional pull, and a formidable villain balanced out by an equally formidable Pokémon opponent. This one’s quite an improvement over last year’s movie, Kyurem vs. showing in the entire history of Pokémon movies. On Saturday, October 19, 2013, Cartoon Network premiered the 16th Pokémon movie, Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened, three months after its successful theatrical run in Japan, the quickest trip to a U.S.

Watch pokemon the first movie pikachu short free